Jahresgaben. Qualitativ herausragende Kunst zu günstigen Preisen. Der MAM [Modern Art Mosel] Kunstverein e.V. bietet exklusiv Jahresgaben an: Werke von FELICITAS AGA, CHRISTOPH DAHLHAUSEN, GERALD DOMENIG, ANDREAS EXNER, STEFAN KERN, JUTTA OBENHUBER, NICOLE VAN DEN PLAS, KATJA VON PUTTKAMER, JESCO VON PUTTKAMER, LYDIA WIERENGA.
Annual gifts. Excellent quality art at affordable prices. MAM [Modern Art Mosel] Kunstverein offers exclusive annual multiples: Art editions by artists: FELICITAS AGA, CHRISTOPH DAHLHAUSEN, GERALD DOMENIG, ANDREAS EXNER, STEFAN KERN, JUTTA OBENHUBER, NICOLE VAN DEN PLAS, KATJA VON PUTTKAMER, JESCO VON PUTTKAMER, LYDIA WIERENGA..
As a reward for all the passionate commitment, these annual offerings of the MAM [Modern Art Mosel] Kunstverein may be purchased by members at particularly favorable conditions. As part of a membership, at €50 per annum, you’ll receive a €50 discount. Join Now!
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